
October 23, 2016 at 12:30 pm

It’s almost the end of October and things are getting busy. All those end-of-year events seem to start in October. I had to be careful when scheduling the book launch for Once Confronted, as a few people had kids who were preparing for formals around that time, so were busy helping them get ready. Then there are the early Christmas parties and other end-of-year preparations, as there isn’t a lot of the year left. I work for Australian eBook Publisher, a self-publishing company, and we have also suddenly become very busy. I think some people are hoping to have their […]

Where do you shop?

August 14, 2016 at 12:21 pm

In all the preparations for the launch of my new book, Once Confronted, I’ve been looking for new ways to promote it, and that has led me to ask the question – where do people usually buy their books? I’m guessing that you’re like me. You probably prefer a paperback purchased from the bookstore but those ebooks are so convenient. I regularly purchase an ebook first, then if I like the book enough to want it on my shelf, I follow it up with the paperback version later. Having said that, I’ve bought a lot of paperbacks this year to […]