Lynne Stringer – Author & Editor

Killing off Characters

The final installment of a well-known and loved book series was published last week, and before much time had passed, there were cries of outrage from fans all over the world. I was one of them. Why? A major character was killed off. This was hardly the first time in this series a character we […]

The most precious of memories

Which book can you first remember encountering in your life? Books were always part and parcel of my home life. I can’t remember which one I heard first – that would be impossible – but I remember quite a few from my childhood days. Sparkle the Pony was a favourite picture book for years. Another […]

Should Christians write romantic fiction?

In Australia there is a Christian magazine called Eternity. In their most recent edition, they included an article deriding Christian romantic fiction. I am a Christian, and although I write books for a mainstream audience, not a Christian one, I still found this article ignorant and uninformed. I sent them a letter for their ‘Letter […]

The scent of a book

Our sense of smell seems particularly powerful and is able to evoke memories thought lost forever. Whenever I take my son to school, we pass a particular point and I smell a certain smell that always takes me straight back to when I was in kindergarten. I’ve no idea what that smell is, but it’s […]