That sinking feeling
A year or so ago I completed a manuscript for the Christian market. It’s a contemporary romance and I’m now looking for a publisher for it. That thought terrifies me every time I think about it. While I was waiting for the Verindon trilogy to be published, I didn’t consider that there might be a […]
Better than success
Last week I experienced the thrill of receiving an award for my debut novel, The Heir. Along with a number of other books, The Heir won the silver award in the YA science fiction category from Literary Classics. It was exciting to see my book on their website with a silver foil on the front, […]
An original idea?
One of the most frustrating things I have experienced as an author is to find another novel that is similar to the one I am writing. There’s nothing more deflating than realising someone else has beaten you to the punch with your supposedly original idea. The novel I’m working on the moment is a classic […]
The long and the short of it
This week I passed the 60,000 word mark in the novel I’m writing. As it is, again, for the YA market, I can almost hear my publisher saying, ‘Between 50,000 and 70,000 words only!’ I don’t think I’m going to go beyond 70,000, but then, sometimes it’s hard to tell. All three of my other […]