Another year over
Christmas has been and gone in its usual rapid blur. I once read a poem that stated ‘Christmas morning comes too soon. Anticipation’s best.’ I agree with the writer. The best part about Christmas, for me, is the delicious expectation of it. Once the day itself arrives it is over in a rush and we’re […]
Merry Christmas!
Christmas Day is almost upon us and that means that our family is finally having a well-deserved break. My husband has finished work for the year so the past few days have seen the last of the Christmas preparations and also some fantastic day trips on Queensland’s Gold and Sunshine Coasts. If you ever have […]
Why do we suffer?
I read not long ago that blogs by authors should steer clear of comments on social issues. I was going to write about something frivolous this morning, but I find that’s impossible. I live in Brisbane, the capital city of Queensland, Australia. Yesterday in Sydney, the next closest capital city, a man took several men […]
The magic of Christmas
I love Christimas and I always have. I was one of those kids who always woke up early (sometimes really early!) and usually woke up the rest of the house. I enjoy everything about Christmas. I can remember at time when, as I became a young adult, the magic did tarnish a little for a […]
‘Tis the season to be busy
Christmas is a busy time of the year for anyone who celebrates it. There are houses to decorate, presents to buy and food to prepare, and this is all usually accompanied by lots of rushing around, particularly in the week before Christmas. Being one of those annoyingly organised people, I usually have all my Christmas […]