Lynne Stringer – Author & Editor

Don’t Give Up

On Saturday I had my latest book signing at Angus & Robertson at Capalaba. Happily, I sold six copies of The Heir and two each of The Crown and The Reign, which was a nice number, especially considering how the morning started. That’s because, for the first hour, I sold nothing. Selling nothing in the […]


A friend of mine posted something on Facebook today. It was a post she’d sent me five years ago. It said: ‘Anyone know the time difference between here and Brisbane? Come on, Lynne, I want the rest of your book, I’m dying here!!!’ This post brought back some great memories from 2010, when I wrote […]

Does your favourite novel have ‘extras’?

Does your favourite novel (or the novel you have written) have extras? This what I mean by extras. I was involved in a conversation on Goodreads the other day, when someone was asking if any of the authors present had created a Twitter account for our characters. He was wondering if it helped generate sales. […]

Busy, busy, busy!

I don’t know what it is about November, but it always seems to be a busy time of year. Of course, the fact that Christmas is looming on the horizon contributes to this, but often there seems to be other contributing factors as well. One thing, especially for an author, as I mentioned in my […]

NaNoWriMo begins!

November is here, and apart from being told just how close Christmas really is, there is another event I’ve been hearing a lot about as I hobnob with my fellow authors – NaNoWriMo. For those of you unfamilar with the term, NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month (although it should probably be ‘international’ now, […]