Lynne Stringer – Author & Editor

Reviews are an author’s lifeblood

Now it’s time for the third point raised in the meme ‘What every reader needs to know’.  It is as follows: Amazon will only recommend a book if it has at least 25 reviews posted. The 3-5 minutes it takes to post a review is the life or death of that book and determines if […]

The price you pay

A couple of weeks ago I started blogging about different points made in a meme about authors. It was called ‘What Every Reader Needs to Know’. I’m continuing that theme with the second point it made: ‘A book sold for 99 cents on Amazon nets the author only 17 cents. Please consider this when saying […]

Glimpses of Light Anthology Blog Tour

This week I’m participating in a blog tour celebrating Glimpses of Light, the anthology released late in 2015 in which I have a short story. Last week, Charis Joy Jackson shared her thoughts on her experience as part of the anthology. You can read her post here. Now it’s my turn. When I first heard […]

What every reader needs to know

On 2nd January I liked and shared a meme called ‘What every reader needs to know’ on my Facebook author page. Much of what it said resonated with me: The book in your hand is full of heartache, rewrites, edits and more rewrites. A book sold for .99 cents on Amazon nets the author only […]

New Year’s Resolutions

Are you a new year’s resolution type of person? Do you use the start of a new year to take stock of your life and resolve to improve on one area or another, or make some lifestyle changes that might benefit you? I know a lot of people do. I’ve never been one to make […]