I think a lot of people will be glad that we’ve finally reached the end of 2020. I know I am. I hope that next year will prove a lot easier for many of us.
We haven’t had it as bad as many people out there who’ve lost jobs and livelihoods, and here in Australia, we’ve done pretty well overall with managing the virus, so much so that my time shopping this morning looked pretty normal for this time of year. And it’s a relief to know that there are a few promising vaccines on our horizon. Hopefully they’ll help bring an end to this global situation.
This wasn’t the best year to release a book, but I think that The Verindon Alliance, my new release, has done okay considering all my usual in-person events were cancelled. That’s a relief. Although I’m hardly a best-selling author, sales help out a little and it’s nice to know that some people look forward to reading my books. Hopefully, The Verindon Alliance allowed its readers to escape reality for a while. That’s what books do. :-)
So if you’ve had a rough year, my prayer is that 2021 will be a better experience for everyone. That we can help each other up and out of this place we find ourselves in. That we can find common ground and love and be there for our neighbours. That we can come together (perhaps not always in the physical sense) and support each other as we continue to battle this pandemic.
Merry Christmas, happy holidays and a happy new year. See you in 2021. :-)

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