Lynne Stringer – Author & Editor

It’s taken almost two months of 2024 for me to find the time to write my first blog post. Ever since I returned to work after my holiday, I have been busy helping people by editing their books. It’s great to see so many trying to get their stories out there. :-)

Keeper of the Archives is nearly typeset and will soon go to print. It’s scheduled for release in September (not July as I previously said). The dystopian/steam punk short story anthology I have been editing with Emily Larkin should be out at about the same time. It’s now called Stepping Sideways, and I can’t wait for you to read the fabulous collection of stories we’ve been working on.

And yesterday, for the first time in a long time, I sat down and wrote the beginnings of a new novel. It’s set in the same world as Keeper of the Archives and its working title is Father of the Horde. I have only a few strands of story at the moment so I have no idea if I will even get a full novel out of it, but I thought the same with Keeper at one stage, so I’ll have to hope my imaginations kicks in and does its job.

I’m looking forward to great things in 2024!

Keeper of the Archives tells the story of Eden Fittell, a girl who works
in the government Archives in Sendirian City, where an crime boss
regularly snatches government workers off the street to experiment on.

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