Lynne Stringer – Author & Editor

New website, new book, new WIP

I have been giving my website a facelift for the past couple of months and I think it might finally be working! This is my first blog in the new format and I’m hoping if you’re looking at this on the site that it’s working okay for you. If something’s going wrong, let me know. […]

Writing, Preparing, Finalising

March has been a big month. I have continued work on Father of the Horde, my WIP, and am now almost at the 25,000 word mark. I have finalised the typeset version of Keeper of the Archives with my publisher, with it scheduled for release in September.

I will also be attending Gold Coast Supanova on 13 and 14 April with my fellow authors, Jeanette O’Hagan and Adele Jones. You can find us at the Rendered Realms stand. We will also be at the FraserPop Festival in Maryborough on 13 and 14 July and are looking at some other events as well. Make sure to check my events page if you want to know more.

New year, new story

It’s taken almost two months of 2024 for me to find the time to write my first blog post. Ever since I returned to work after my holiday, I have been busy helping people by editing their books. It’s great to see so many trying to get their stories out there. 🙂 Keeper of the […]

Another year over

And here we are again. It’s just about time to say goodbye to 2023. As I prepare for the Christmas season, I’m reflecting on the year that has just passed and what experiences I’ve had. I’ve had the joy of having another book accepted for publication. Keeper of the Archives should be released in July […]

Getting ready for a great year

I’ve started booking events and getting ready to move forward as an author in 2023. June this year also sees the 10th anniversary of the release of my debut novel. I’ll have some special competitions and giveaways as that date comes closer, so watch this space. So far this year, I have finalised my next […]

It’s Christmas time again

Yes, Christmas is here again and it’s time to reflect on 2022. There were some challenges this year, many to do with my journey as an author. There were delays and problems surrounding the release of my latest book, The Verindon Conspiracy, but that’s all over and done with now. Copies are out and I […]

Nearly 10 years

Next year, it will be 10 years since I became a published author. Yes, it’s hard to believe that The Heir (Verindon #1) was published nearly 10 years ago. Wow, how time does fly! And it’s still selling. I made some good sales at Brisbane Supanova a couple of weeks ago. It’s good to see […]

Oz ComicCon Homegrown

This is my first blog for the year, and I apologise for being so tardy. However, with Omicron hitting, some new health challenges and a new release coming up, I’ve been a bit swamped. But now I’m gearing up for the release of The Verindon Conspiracy and for my first event of the year, OzComicCon […]

Finding my Way

I haven’t posted in a long time and that’s largely down to the fact that Real Life has been full of so many things. However, it’s also due to the fact that I have been going through a rough patch as far as my writing goes. I haven’t had a lot of inspiration (make that […]

The Heir’s fifth anniversary!

Today’s the day. Exactly five years ago today, I became a published author with the release of The Heir (Verindon #1). I was full of hopes and dreams and even so, didn’t realise how fulfilling becoming an author would be, in spite of the hard slog it is at times. It’s been five years of […]