Lynne Stringer – Author & Editor

Go for Launch

This afternoon I held a book launch for Once Confronted. I hired a nearby church hall and went down in the early afternoon to get everything ready for the 2.00 pm start. It’s amazing how many things you need to take with you to an event like this. I needed a sign people could see […]

Author events

This week I’m talking about what is possibly the hardest thing for most authors – attending events and signings to try and sell their books. At a recent event, another author and myself were talking to a fellow author about this very thing, and she was saying how hard she found it to attend those […]

Social media

Social media can be a useful tool in reaching people so they hear about your book. Gaining an international audience is now an attainable goal for an unknown author with a small print or self-published book, thanks largely to social media. A few years ago, that kind of thing would have been next to impossible. […]