Lynne Stringer – Author & Editor

Ready for 2025!

Last year was insanely busy for me. I had two new releases – one a full-length novel (Keeper of the Archives), the other a short story anthology (Stepping Sideways). I also edited a plethora of manuscripts for other authors, wrote as often as I could (which wasn’t very often by the end of the year!) […]

Two new titles and a busy schedule

It’s been a busy second half of the year, so much so that all the posts I intended to put up about the release of Keeper of the Archives were shelved. I was simply too busy to write them. So here we are, at the end of the year. Keeper is out and so is […]

Coming soon …

There are a lot of exciting things coming up for me this year and I’ve already had a few so far. After Gold Coast Supanova, I attended another event at Koorong Toowoomba, where I also sold quite a few copies. It was the first time I’d been to one of their events and I was […]

Nearly 10 years

Next year, it will be 10 years since I became a published author. Yes, it’s hard to believe that The Heir (Verindon #1) was published nearly 10 years ago. Wow, how time does fly! And it’s still selling. I made some good sales at Brisbane Supanova a couple of weeks ago. It’s good to see […]

‘Tis the Season for Events!

Once we reach the end of October, it becomes clear that Christmas is just around the corner. But that’s not the only thing that alerts me to Christmas’s impending arrival. The other thing that tells me is all the events that are on around this time. Some, like the Omega Writers’ Conference, I was unable […]

Conversations and Promotions

Yesterday I visited A Lot of Books in Ipswich for my first proper bookstore signing with Once Confronted. Unfortunately, the mall where the store is located was almost deathly quiet yesterday. We believe that the commencement of school holidays might have had a lot to do with that. Fortunately, I still sold six copies of […]

Getting busy

It’s now less than a month until Once Confronted is officially released and things are starting to get busy. It’s back to the rounds of bookstore visits and signings. It all starts next weekend. I’ll be at A Lot of Books in Ipswich on Saturday 17th September from 10.00 am to 2.00 pm for my […]