Lynne Stringer – Author & Editor

The Heir’s fifth anniversary!

Today’s the day. Exactly five years ago today, I became a published author with the release of The Heir (Verindon #1). I was full of hopes and dreams and even so, didn’t realise how fulfilling becoming an author would be, in spite of the hard slog it is at times. It’s been five years of […]

Exciting Times

Last weekend I went to my first ever Comic-Con event right here in Brisbane, and I’m hooked! I was at the Intricate Worlds table with two author friends, Adele Jones and Jeanette O’Hagan. It was a great idea to share a table, as it meant we could not only share the costs but also man […]


In all three books I’ve released so far I’ve had a dedication page. The one in The Heir is my favourite. I dedicated it to the five friends who encouraged me to try and get it published after they’d read it back when it was just a first (or second!) draft. Without them, I might […]