Lynne Stringer – Author & Editor

Author events

This week I’m talking about what is possibly the hardest thing for most authors – attending events and signings to try and sell their books. At a recent event, another author and myself were talking to a fellow author about this very thing, and she was saying how hard she found it to attend those […]

An author website

In my role as a professional editor, it still surprises me when I encounter authors who don’t see why they need a website at all. Some prefer a Facebook author page, and don’t get me wrong, they’re good too, but I believe a website is an essential tool in an author’s marketing strategy, especially if […]

The importance of marketing

When I became a published author, I knew I would have to make sure I got my name out there so people heard about my books. However, I don’t know if I anticipated just how constant my communications would have to be. I always see a distinct difference in my trilogy’s Amazon ranking immediately after […]