Lynne Stringer – Author & Editor

Happy New Year!

Happy new year to all and sundry! Are you looking forward to 2023? What do you think it will bring you? Are you a writer? Do you have any writing goals for 2023? Are you a reader? Do you have a goal for your reading for this year? My first order of business for this […]

Busy with books

This is my first blog post of the year and the title should give you some idea why. The first two months of the year have been full of editing (both my works and others) and the next few months are full of events. The most exciting news is this. I have a short story […]

‘Tis the Season for Events!

Once we reach the end of October, it becomes clear that Christmas is just around the corner. But that’s not the only thing that alerts me to Christmas’s impending arrival. The other thing that tells me is all the events that are on around this time. Some, like the Omega Writers’ Conference, I was unable […]