Lynne Stringer – Author & Editor

The Verindon Alliance

As Princess Vashta of the Vendel finishes her combat training, she hopes she will lead their forces into battle against her race’s deadly enemy, the Verindal. But when Brandonin, the heir to the Verindal throne, comes to see her father, it’s clear he desires peace, not war.

When a new enemy arises, striking at all who call their planet home, each race blames the other, even though the princess is sure this danger comes from somewhere new. She seeks Brandonin’s help in fighting this menace, but what can they do when both Vendel and Verindal refuse to work together? Can they defeat this deadly threat themselves or will it mean the end of life on Verindon?

The Verindon Alliance takes place several hundred years prior to The Verindon Trilogy and features characters mentioned in the trilogy.

Playlist for The Verindon Alliance:

Chapter Eight – Is She With You? Batman vs Superman soundtrack

Chapter Twelve (towards the end) – Danger Zone by Kenny Loggins

Chapter Thirteen – I Don’t Know Why by Imagine Dragons

Chapter Sixteen – Don’t Give up on Me by Andy Grammer

Chapter Twenty-One (halfway through) – I Only Have Eyes for You by The Flamingos

Chapter Twenty-Three (towards the end) – Whatever It Takes by Imagine Dragons

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