The bad news is that the .99c sale of The Heir on Kindle is over. 🙁
The good news is that the price of The Heir on Kindle will now remain at $2.99! It’s fantastic to think that its price is going to be so reasonable, giving a great incentive to those who think they might like to try the Verindon trilogy.
Did you buy your copy? Remember, if you review it on Amazon by 15th March you could win autographed copies of all three books in the trilogy. See last week’s blog here for more details.
From the time my holiday finished at the end of January I’ve been trying to promote the sale of The Heir on Amazon. Now, however, it’s back down to Earth. I need to try some other avenues. It’s a new year so maybe I can find a new approach.
That can be tricky.
I’m always open to new ideas but sometimes it’s not just finding them that’s the problem. Sometimes implementing them can be next to impossible. Take a signing in a bookstore, for instance. It might not seem like something that’s difficult. I mean, all the bookstores have to do is get a few copies of my books and set up a table for me and I sit there for hours telling people how wonderful my book is. Unfortunately, many of them don’t want authors unless they are well known. I guess I can understand why. It’s difficult to take a risk on someone who’s unknown. What if my book sucks? They’ll be the ones who have to deal with the disgruntled customers face to face. Still, I haven’t done too badly at some book signings, so I think it’s worth the store’s time. Convincing them of that is more difficult, especially, it seems, with science fiction.
I’m active at trying to get into schools and had some with great success last year. But once more, some a wary of someone they don’t know. Again, how do they know I’m any good? I’m trying to get a few customer referrals but that can be tricky too.
I am going to a writers’ festival in late March which I am looking forward to, especially since I know some other authors who are attending. It’s always great to catch up and these places can be wonderful ways of reaching new readers.
But sometimes I struggle to find new ideas for promotion. I have been wondering lately if we shouldn’t have an Aussie bookfest. But how to organise one … And would people come?
Are you a reader? Would you go to a bookfest put on by local authors? What would make you likely to attend? Are you an author? What new and innovative ways do you find to promote you and your books?
I love the idea of a Bookfest for local authors. Perhaps it could include other creatives as well – like artists or crafters – & food stalls, book readings. It’s a great idea Lynne 🙂
Yes, I might have to give it some serious thought.