Sunday 1st June marked exactly a year since my first novel, The Heir, was released. It was surreal reflecting on that, especially since it didn’t seem like a year had passed. The fact that I’ve had two other books released since then should have made me more aware of the passage of time, but it didn’t.
I remember The Heir‘s book launch well. It was exciting to be launching my first novel, but daunting at the same time. How would it be received? Would any of my friends like it? Would any people beyond my circle of friends and family like it? This was the most frightening thing. It’s expected that friends and family will say nice things about your book, but people you don’t know are under no such obligation.
To my relief, The Heir was received well by most people. Of course, there were a few who didn’t like it, but that’s to be expected of any story. We’re all different, after all. However, the overwhelming response has been a positive one. This has continued with both sequels, rounding out my trilogy with much encouraging feedback, which has delighted me.
Over the past year, the many realities of being an author have made themselves plain to me. I am now always looking for another way to promote my books, whether it is at a bookstore signing, a school visit or in a book club. With it has brought a few stresses. It is tricky to find bookstores that are enthusiastic about staging a book signing for an unknown science fiction author. In fact, a lot of doors remain shut unless you have a name, which makes it difficult to get one.
Nevertheless, I am continuing to face these challenges and move forward as an author. I’m taking it one day at a time, hoping that I can get my foot inside a few more doors as time goes on.
If you haven’t read The Heir yet, here’s your chance to get a free copy. To celebrate the anniversary of its release, I’m giving away five copies of The Heir on my Facebook page. All you have to do is go to this link and COMMENT on the post. Make sure you leave a comment (you can say anything) and you will go into the draw, which will be drawn on Sunday, 8th June.
Here’s to many more years of enjoyable writing!
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