Lynne Stringer – Author & Editor

Hooray! I’m happy to finally be able to announce that I have signed a new contract with Wombat Books and will have a new full-length novel released in the middle of next year!

At the moment it’s called The Verindon Alliance. Being hopeless with book titles, I thank those at the Sci-Fi Roundtable on Facebook for helping me with it. The Verindon Alliance tells the story of Vashta and Brandonin. If you’ve read my trilogy, you may remember these names, as they’re referred to a few times in all three books. This new story is set several hundred years in Verindon’s past, long before Keridan, Sarah or anyone in the trilogy was born.

In the pages of The Verindon Alliance, the Vendel and Verindal are still at war with each other, and have been off and on for centuries. Some people are more than happy with continuing that state of affairs, rather than trying to think differently about people they’ve grown up despising, although others seek an end to the wars and peace on their planet.

In the midst of this we find Vashta, a Vendel princess, and Brandonin, the heir to the Verindal throne, who face a threat that may force both races to work together.

I’m so happy that I will be able to present this story to you within the next twelve months. Watch this space for more!


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