Lynne Stringer – Author & Editor

One of the most frustrating things about many novels, especially in the YA genre, is that they are one of a series.

I work for a publisher, which means that, occasionally, free books are given to me (one of the perks of the job!). And not just our own books, either. This means that recently I have read some books that I enjoyed. One was Dissonance by Erica O’Rourke and the other Unwanted by Amanda Holohan. I found both of them entertaining and found their worlds fascinating.

However, when I reached the final page of each one, it became clear that these books were not stand-alone. The stories continued beyond their pages. I quickly raced to Amazon to look for the sequels. Guess what? Both books were so recent that they didn’t have any, not even a mention of them! Rats!

I’ve been fortunate up until now that I usually join a fandom after all the books in the series have been released. This is definitely a good thing, as I don’t have much patience. Waiting is torture for me. It doesn’t help that the last book I had to wait for like this was Allegiant, and reading it was a major letdown. I hope these two novels will reward my patience a little better than it did.

What’s the longest you’ve ever had to wait for a book’s release? Was it worth the wait? Let me know in the comments!


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4 Responses

  1. The Harry Potter series has to be way up there for me. I remember when we had to wait close to two years between the latter instalments. I’m reading them now with my youngest son, thinking how good is is to be able to read straight through all 7.

  2. Hi Lynne – Most of the series I follow tend to come out fairly quickly (within a year), but it can be a long wait for other books. I’m a big Kate Morton fan and by the time her new book is released later this year, it will have been a three-year wait! Hope it’s worth it 🙂

    1. Yikes! Yes, three years is a long time. The only thing I can remember waiting that long for was Return of the Jedi. It was released three years after the Empire Strikes Back, with that terrible question, is Darth Vader really Luke’s father, hanging in the balance!