Lynne Stringer – Author & Editor

I have been giving my website a facelift for the past couple of months and I think it might finally be working! This is my first blog in the new format and I’m hoping if you’re looking at this on the site that it’s working okay for you. If something’s going wrong, let me know. I’ll grumble but I’ll do my best to fix it.

I am getting excited about Keeper of the Archives, my new book, which will be out in just over a month. You can read more about it here. I can’t wait for everyone to read it. I will be having a face-to-face book launch for the first time since before the pandemic, so if you’re a Brisbane local or live nearby, watch my events page for more details.

I have also started writing a new book called Terror in Twin City. It’s set in the same world as Keeper, but about 30 years earlier. I had been writing a sequel called Father of the Horde, but while doing that, I encountered a wonderful new character who really needs her story told first. I’ll see how I go but it’s fun so far!

So please, look around the website, check out my other posts, my books, my editing page. Bookmark or even pre-order Keeper of the Archives. If you do that, I’ll definitely give you a thumbs up! :-)

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